The Atlantic Marketing Association began in 1982 as the Mid-Atlantic Marketing Association. The first conference was hosted at, what was then, Albany State College. Eleven research papers were presented and the luncheon speaker was Franz Ehrhardt, president of Kayo Oil Company a subsidiary of Conoco Inc. Walter Burgess and Ghanbar served as both editors and co-chairs, and Randy Wahlman was the treasurer. In 1985 the association changed its name to reflect a broader positioning strategy.
Early registration is $200 for faculty and late is $250.
Student/Guest/Retired Faculty rate is $75. |
Dr. Brian R. Kinard Executive Director University of North Carolina Wilmington Dr. Terry Damron Associate Director of Communications Austin Peay State University Dr. Kirsten Passyn 2025 Program Chair The Citadel Dr. Terry Damron 2025 President Austin Peay State University Dr. Diane R Edmondson Atlantic Marketing Journal - Editor Middle Tennessee State University *Open Position* Conference Proceedings - Editor Mrs. Tyra Burton Webmaster & Conference Registration Kennesaw State University |